What’s The Best Wireless Router For Philippine Home Networking Solution?

Thursday, November 12, 2009

I have a SmartBro internet connection (not very happy though). I plan to buy a wireless router so I can go to my bedroom and do my internet stuff from there. I troubleshoot first before I’m able to connect to my internet.

Go to http://reviews.cnet.com/4566-3319_7-0.ht%E2%80%A6 and click Editors’ Rating in the sort sequence.

My personal choice is a Netgear WGT624 v3. It’s fairly inexpensive and has been very reliable. Used it with both DSL and cable modems. Read his complete article herehttp://getadult.us/?p=5865

But don’t forget to check out the routers and access points at CDRKing here in the Philippines. You will find that they now have new products wireless N routers which is much faster than the old standard of G at 56kbps and with N you can get 300 kbps if you have a laptop that has N and most newer laptops do have it. But in case your laptop is older, CDRKing also has N USB plugins for older laptops to get the faster speed. So make sure the router or access point (no LAN plug in extra ports) make sure it is N capable.

CDRKING website is here and they are in all the major cities here in Philippines
Their website is here http://www.cdrking.com.ph/
my review here http://cdrkingph.wordpress.com/

but other computer shops can also be found with your favorite brand check out these links
for Manila Computer stores and Cebu Computer stores in this blog just search through the articles.

Or if in Manila ride the MRT to the Gilmore station where about 30 computer stores are on one corner

Manila Here is one at Gilmore station PC Gilmore but after you get there you will find so many more computer stores in the same block and across the street so convenient, remember some are on 2nd and 3rd floors too.

Tags: Best router Philippines home networking


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