Higher-Resolution Screens on Nokia’s and H-P’s Inexpensive Laptops Show More of What’s Online,
Like clockwork, retailers were ready for Microsoft Corp.’s Windows 7 release last week with new desktops, laptops and netbooks, those inexpensive, smaller laptops that have become popular in the past year. Included in this selection of netbooks are some that improved the poor screen resolutions that have plagued these tiny PCs.Review: HP Mini 311 vs. Nokia Booklet 3G
HP Mini 311 now on sale for Php28,990
Now that didn’t took so long — the HP Mini 311 is now available and selling for Php28,990 in Complink and eHub stores. This according to a couple people who bought it this week-end.
Check out my computer stores in Manila and Cebu to find the locations
WSJ’s Katherine Boehret tests Nokia’s first netbook, the Booklet 3G, and the HP Mini 311. She finds the high-resolution netbooks each have their benefits.
Screen resolution isn’t the same as the size of the screen itself. Rather, it is related to the number of pixels—or distinct dots—on a display, and an indication of how much material can be seen on the screen without scrolling. A higher-resolution screen allows you to see more of a Web page, spreadsheet or list of emails than a lower-resolution screen, even if both are the same physical size.
Because higher-resolution screens cost more, most netbooks come with low-resolution screens to keep prices down. But poor resolution combined with a small netbook screen results in frustrating visuals, like Web pages that display just a small portion of their contents, forcing you to scroll down or horizontally to see the rest of the page.
-This week, I tested two Windows 7 netbooks with unusually high-res screens: Hewlett-Packard Co.’s HP Mini 311 with an 11.6-inch screen and a resolution of 1,366-by-768 pixels, and Nokia Corp.’s Booklet 3G with a 10.1-inch screen and a resolution of 1,280-by-720-pixels. Both these small computers display the bulk of most Web pages without any scrolling necessary—a big relief on a netbook.
-Though high-resolution screens make these netbooks easier on the eyes than others, I still had trouble adjusting to their shrunken features. I liked typing on the HP Mini’s generous keyboard, which H-P says is 92% of full size. But its touchpad buttons felt stiff and uncomfortably located at the edge of the computer. The Nokia Booklet had the opposite problem: Its touchpad and buttons worked fine, but its tiny keys made me feel like I was typing on a kiddie computer. To read more click herehttp://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748703574604574499482752219744.html
Comment: The small keyboard and the small screen on these netbooks makes me still prefer the 15.4 inch best buy ASUS F52Q I found http://laptopsphilippines.blogspot.com/
New Models From Motorola, HTC and BlackBerry Read the NY Times review herehttp://www.nytimes.com/2009/10/29/technology/personaltech/29pogue.html?hpw
Tags: HP Mini 311, Nokia Booklet 3G, Asus F52Q, Motorola, HTC and BlackBerry
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